Water purification information

From tap water to direct drinking water What is the role of a water purifier?

Views : 69617
Update time : 2021-12-03 15:56:10
As people pay more and more attention to the problem of drinking water. From boiled water to later bottled water, to the water purifier that more and more people now prefer, people can also drink water that can be directly drunk more conveniently.

So, in the process from tap water to direct drinking water, what is the role of a water purifier as a household terminal water purification equipment?

Why boiling tap water is not the best way to drink water?

Boiling tap water for drinking is a convenient way of drinking water that most people will use, but is it the best way?

the answer is negative. This is because although the tap water mostly meets the requirements of drinking water quality standards when it leaves the factory, the tap water is susceptible to secondary pollution during long pipeline transportation, especially for high-rise residential buildings. Because of the secondary pressurization, the roof water tank is polluted. The risks are also great. However, boiling the tap water simply "sterilizes" it, but it cannot remove scale, heavy metals, environmental hormones, and bacterial "corpses".

What is the "means" used by the water purifier to turn tap water into direct drinking water

Boiling tap water is not the best way to drink directly, and bottled water is gradually abandoned by most families due to the hidden danger of secondary pollution. In this case, the water purifier is the choice of most people. At present, ultrafiltration water purifiers and water purifiers are the mainstream consumption in the market, especially water purifiers, because they can be consumed with water, they have become the "good heart" of the public's healthy drinking water, and the market share has been increasing in recent years.

So, what kind of "means" are used in the water purifiers represented by pure water machines to turn tap water into direct drinking water that meets the direct drinking standards?

Reverse osmosis technology

To turn tap water into direct drinking water, the "killer feature" of the pure water machine is to use: invest 3.16 billion US dollars in research and development funds, the hero of the Apollo moon landing program, and the top-secret reverse osmosis technology of NASA! The filter element of the pure water machine applying this technology is the RO membrane.

As one of the important components of the water purifier, the RO membrane plays a central role in the filtration of tap water to purified water. Since the pore size of the RO membrane is five parts per million (0.0001 micron) of the hair, it cannot be seen by the naked eye. Bacteria and viruses are 5000 times larger. Therefore, only water molecules and some mineral ions that are beneficial to the human body can pass through. However, impurities such as inorganic salts, heavy metal ions, organic matter, colloids, bacteria, and viruses cannot pass through the RO membrane.

Of course, when the water purifier purifies the water, the RO membrane is only its most important primary filter element. In order to make the purified water more pure, the current water purifier generally uses a combination of multi-stage filter elements.
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